Your home is the biggest investment you will make in your life. Because of this, you will have to pay close attention to its overall condition. This includes the windows.  

Using damaged windows constantly can cause stress on its frame. This results in higher costs in the long run.  

You want to get the most out of the lifespan of your windows. However, you do not want them to influence your quality of life as well. Because of this, it’s best to know how to identify signs that you need a window replacement.  

It might be expensive to buy new windows. However, it’s a good investment in the long run. Today, we’re going to share with you signs that you need a home window replacement Fort Worth project. 

Leaky Windows and Decaying Frames 

Windows exposed to moisture will deteriorate eventually. This will result in leaks indoors. If you leave this issue untreated, it can lead to bigger issues in the future.  

It’s best to replace your windows if they are more than 15 years old. Noticeable damage to windows caused by rotten, cracked, or warped frames is a severe issue that you need to tackle right away. Almost every aging window develops operation issues and leakage problems.  

Extreme weather conditions and age can also hit windows hard. If you choose to ignore these problems, you’ll end up spending more money down the line.  

Difficult Operation of Windows 

Windows that need a lot of effort and time to open and close can affect your home’s security. Over time, they can develop issues in balancing. This can lead to your windows getting stuck. If this is the case, you’ll have a hard time closing or opening them.  

If you’re having a hard time using your windows, it’s a major sign that you have to replace them. If a window doesn’t close properly, you’ll have a hard time locking it as well. This can compromise your home’s security.  

Rotting or rusting windows can also be hard to utilize. If your windows are making noise when you use them, it is time to replace them. You can always fix a broken or damaged frame/sash. However, this option is more expensive compared to simply replacing the whole window.  

High Energy Bills 

This might be an obvious sign. However, a couple of homeowners don’t know about this. Old windows can be drafty. This is a clear indication that you have to replace them.  

Drafty windows can lead to higher energy bills. The reason for this is that your HVAC system will have a hard time controlling the temperature inside your home.  

If you notice that your energy bill is greatly increasing every month, there is a high possibility that your windows aren’t working properly. 

Broken or damaged windows result in high energy consumption because the cool/hot air generated by your HVAC will leak outdoors. For those who don’t know, drafty windows can increase energy bills by around 10-25%.  

Because of this, you might want to replace your windows with more efficient ones.